For the first two rounds of Liztips, click here and here.
- When writing a To-Do List, always write some things which you have already done so you have things to cross-off. NEVER FAIL!
- Always do your laundry before you pack. Otherwise you have to unpack your packing, and launder your laundry, then re-pack. FUCK.
- When you buy birthday presents for people, always buy something for yourself, because if they can have something nice, then so can you! uR w0rTh iT, GuRL xoxo
- Drink whiquila. Whisky and tequila is the perfect mixture of angry and horny. You should shot it to Eye of the Tiger, or maybe Blaze of Glory or something similar.
- Never live somewhere where you can't pee freely in your own backyard. (Sean's dad told Sean. Then Sean told me!)
- Whenever you're home alone, eat mac 'n' cheese with a glass of milk. If it worked for Kevin McCallister, it will work for you.
- Never buy apples in bulk bags of 52. They're small, shitty, and the bag is like a bruise machine.
- Salt is not the opposite of sugar. Nor is sugar the opposite of salt.
- Don't have two beers and then sit on the bus for an hour. Your bladder is not that big.
- Listen to Nickelback just so you know that you should never listen to Nickelback.
- Potato on pizza = Better than expected.
- Call things by old names like 'worsted' and 'haberdashery' and 'nightertale' then people might think you're from the late middle ages (or even that you're an alien!). This is always a fun game.
- Hate Florida until it gives you a reason to like it.
- Hate mowing the lawn until it gives you a reason to like it.
- Be skinny because society tells you to. And....go!
Other thoughts from me this week:
- Do leprechauns make leprechaun-sized shoes or people-sized shoes? Don't go try telling me leprechauns don't exist.
- Kine is the plural of cow‽‽
- Flo Rida is from Florida. See what he did there?
- The next post will be in the form of Power Point Presentation. WOOOOOP!!!
- Shortbread is from the 12th century. Why the fuck are we still eating it? Bleck.
The internetz is funny. Look:
While it says 'Resolved Question', there was no suitable answer at all. Hmm.
Gotta go. It's Saturday night and I'm obviously doing exciting things.
Liz Tritops
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