Tuesday 31 January 2012

My 100 Favorite Things - Part I

I like things. Here are some of the things which I like:
  1. Bubble tea. Those little balls of gummy make my soul smile. 
  2. Batman. The best superhero by a million miles. He doesn't even need a superpower, he's just got talent fueled by bitterness and revenge. When I manage to get up at 5am to go to the gym, I like to pretend that I'm training to be Batman. 
  3. Roman numerals. Next time you're oozing confidence and you feel like giving someone your number, do it in roman numerals. Then if they never text/call you, you can tell yourself that they didn't understand the rumerals (I just made a sweet portmanteau).  
  4. New socks. WADUP comfort. 
  5. Ferris wheels. They used to be called 'pleasure wheels'. If that doesn't sound like a sex toy, then I dunno what does. 
  6. Rafael Nadal's arms. Check 'em out. I also love when he colour-coordinates. 
  7. Building forts. I'm quite shit at building forts, so usually I grab a friend and get all littlekidexcited and say 'Hey buddy!!! Let's build a fort!!!!' And they get littlekidexcited too. So I make a coffee and watch friend build fort for us to play in. 
  8. People dressed up as objects e.g. fruit and stationary. Doesn't happen quite enough as it should. If I saw this is real life I would die of happiness (It's Good Charlotte. AND WHAT‽ Stop judging me. Now. Stopit.)  
  9. The only birds which look friendly - ducks, penguins, and sparrows.
  10. Frozen peas. Peas just taste better frozen. FACT.
  11. Danny Zuko. If I could steel Calvin's Transmogrifier (I commend Calvin on his cardboard-box technology), then I would transmogrify into Danny Zuko for sure, then I'd have swagga and I could walk round saying fun things like "You can't just walk out of a drive-in". Great line, Danny, great line.    
  12. Mango. The fruit to trump all fruit. 
  13. Huskies. Get a pack of em', get some snow, and you've got success right thur. 
  14. Laughing at funerals because something is genuinely nice and funny and for a moment you forget that you're supposed to be sad. 
  15. Simple computer games which I used to love: Oregon Trail, Holiday Lemmings, and Pacman. It took me around six years after I'd got bored of playing Holiday Lemmings to learn that lemmings were real animals and they would die in large numbers because sometimes they really suck at migrating. 
  16. Beagles and THIS VIDEO
  17. Playjamas.
  18. Conversing in idioms. Only in idioms. 
  19. Pirates. I like to imagine that the modern pirates who play in the Gulf of Aden have stripy shirts, parrots, and wooden legs. 
  20. When there's a spoon in the sink and you're running the tap and the water doesn't repel and get you in the face. 
  21. Eggs. 
  22. Chuck Taylors. SO MANY COLOURS! 
  23. Grammar. I would marry the Oxford comma if I could. 
  24. Culture shock. Even culture tingles are nice. I like that it doesn't remind me of anything. 
  25. Drinking milk when I'm hungover.
  26. Cluedo. Or Clue. Whatever you call it, I always win. Mrs White in the Billiard Room with the Candlestick. That bitch.
  27. Bees. I just can't get over the concept that honey bees make honey and we eat it. Bumblebees are cute aswell. Can you name another chubby insect? Unlikely. Also, they have badass stripes.  
  28. The smell of rain on warm concrete.

Later days!

Thanks for reading. Don't worry, there are still 72 more things!

Liz Tritops


  1. You know lemmings don't actually die in migration. It was a setup for a Disney documentary.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF_E10e4Bzo
    Hope you feel like watching lemmings for three minutes!
