Thursday, 23 February 2012

My Ultimate Team of Five

It's about time I posted. I've had my mind on other things - mostly the stress/excitement of moving countries and big life change wank wank wank. BTW, I  smell. You know when you tell people you smell but you don't really mean you smell, you've just gotten slightly sweaty and you want to complain, but you still smell nice. Well, I ACTUALLY SMELL RIGHT NOW. Babe'n. 

I'm getting that thing where I haven't slept or eaten much and I've only had coffee and I'm all twitchy and weird. 

Today I decided on something called 'My Ultimate Team of Five'. Maybe 'UTF' for short. Don't know why it's five. Maybe it's because five people is the best number for a group of people to achieve things, like the Spice Girls and the Backstreet Boys. Also Westlife originally had five members, but if you tell anyone I like them I will FUCKINGKILLYOU. Basically, you can choose five characters from ANYTHING to make up a crime-fighting/play-time/tomfoolery gang.

My Ultimate Team of Five:

Harry Potter
Nigel Thornberry

Who would you choose? 

Other thoughts from me this week:

  • Brushing your teeth in the shower? Don't do it. It's weird and warm. 
  • I still haven't learnt how to do cryptic crosswords yet.
  • I think the world would be slightly better if we reverted back to paperlunchbags and glassmilkbottles. The idea of a milkman is also rather nice. I don't care if it's inefficient; I don't mind paying a little extra.  
  • On the topic of milk, watch this. You'll laugh, and you'll be disturbed. 

That's all. 

I like you.

xoxo Liz Tritops 

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