Thursday, 3 January 2013

New Year blah blah blah...

Apparently it's a new year.

New Year's resolutions are dumb. I'm not keen on them. I think if you genuinly care to make a positive change in your life, it shouldn't matter what day you do it on. All days are created equal. 

I am, however, all about reflection.

Things I learned last year:

  • Never be boring. If you stop trying new things then you will become boring. 
  • Things I don't like about not being 'settled': I can't have a dog. I can't have nice things to cook/bake with. Who carries a wok in their luggage these days? I can't have a piano. Who carries a piano in their luggage these days? It's hard to play sport.  
  • That being said, trampoline dodgeball is one of my new favourite sports. I did play that.
  • Tater tots are ze best. 
  • Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
  • Jail and prison are different things. I feel like I should have learnt this 10 years ago.
  • Some movies that were awesome when you were a kid just aren't anymore. Like Josh Kirby...Time Warrior! And like The Indian in the Cupboard. Jumanji? Beethoven's 2nd? Who even knows. The trouble is, it's impossible to know if they're still good without re-watching them. 
  • No man should think boobs are always awesome. The hoards of homeless women in Portland exemplify this. 
  • "That's hilarious." is apparently an adequate response to ANYTHING. 
  • No matter how many Pugs and French Bulldogs I see, I will never stop thinking 'ALIEN DOG!!!' every time. 
  • I will never take malaria tablets. They say you're not allowed to have alcohol or sun when you take them. Why go on holiday? To drink water and sit in the shade? I don't think so. I'll take the malaria, thanks. (Hint: I don't have malaria.) 
  • Tic Tacs must be eaten in twos. And only in twos. 
  • Squirrels are like...real good at jumping and shit...they're athletes. Check it.
  • If I am a woman, I only have two options: 

  • Did I seriously have sushi only three times? What the heck is wrong with this gurl‽ I will not be making this mistake again.  
  • If you use a word that people don't understand, most of them won't ask what it means. Why don't we want to learn things anymore? 

Things I didn't learn last year:
  • Wether fabric softener actually softens fabric. 
  • If it's 'okay' for me to drink de-caffeinated coffee. It just seems so wrong...
  • How to do long division.

Watch this before you go.

Thanks for reading

Liz Tritops


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